March Portfolio

Little Prince Review

A pilot has crashed landed in the desert miles and miles from any civilization. He was awakened one morning by a very strange voice and imagine his surprise when he heard the voice say “Please, draw me a sheep”. That is when he met the little prince-a very peculiar person-who shows the pilot how to look deep within stuff to understand the true meaning of things. What the pilot encounters will change his life forever. The Little Prince by Antoine de St. Exupery is a charming story about love and friendship. What is truly important can’t truly be seen by the eyes, but it is more than that for one must look with the heart.

Most adults can’t look with their heart which is why the pilot was forced to abandon and give up a career as an artist. He drew two pictures when he was a little kid. Drawing number 1 and drawing number 2. He went and asked the grownups if they were scared of drawing number 1. The answer was always “Why be scared of a hat?” His picture was not that of a hat, but of a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. The grown-ups always needed explanations, so he had been discouraged at the age of six to stop drawing and apply himself to other things such as geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.

Though some see it as a hat others see it as the boa constrictor. These people are mainly the children and-believe it or not-some adults. These are the people who look deeper in thing and don’t just look at the appearance. These are the people who look with their heart to see the world and life with meaning not just by their eyes.

These two perspectives on the single drawing can really separate people into their ability to see the deeper meaning of things. It is more than either they see it or they don’t it is if can see more than the surface of any and/or everything. This choice that can be made weather you see the boa or not can really show the way that they look at life and its meaning.

In conclusion the perspective changes the way you look at life drastically. What important won’t be seen by the eyes, but with the heart. As the fox in The Little Prince said “One must look with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.” The pilot was as sad as a kid who lost his favorite toy when he was told that he shouldn’t be an artist. The pilot lost all hope as a child.  A lesson we can learn is to look deeper into things and not be stopped at the surface.

Through my Eyes

Verse 1:
You want me to be like others you see.
I could only be my own man.
Even though I try to please reluctantly,
Look through my eyes and understand.

I need you to see me through my eyes.
Let me be me, not someone in disguise.
Take a good look at my life,
Please see me through my eyes.
Through my eyes.

Verse II:
Unfortunately for my susceptive heart,
My emotions are easily provoked.
But I can't be a piece of plastic art.
And stand with the gentlefolk.

Repeat Chorus

Who I am is what I am.
Take a good look and see.
Because you can't love what you don't understand.
There is a distinction between you and me.

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus