Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hemmingway Character Review

Two men are sitting in a corner of a café talking and watching an old man drink at the counter. The café is a nice small place in a small town. It is clean and well lighted and it sits in the shadows of the leaves of the trees. These men sit and talk when the man asks for another drink. They know he has drunken too much. During this, the two men start talking again about each other this time. As they talk they find out that they are more different then they realize. Each lacks what the other has in "A Well Lighted Place" by Ernest Hemmingway. Each waiter has the same job, but everything else is different.

The older waiter is a very relaxed man who is patient and understands the world around him. He lives alone and cares about others more than himself since this is shown when the he doesn't mind staying in the café late and stays with the old man because he understands him. Seeing that has no one to go home to makes him very lonely and he doesn't mind staying because he has company. This state of loneliness really separates him from others because most people have friends and family to go home to or to see. When the older waiter goes home; he has no one.

While the older waiter is wiser and more experience with life the younger waiter thinks that money is happiness and that he is the most important man. In his mind believes that he shouldn't have his time wasted by sitting in the café watching the old man drink. By being who he is he wonders why the old man drinks and isn't happy because he has a lot of money. His "world" is that he is the center of everything and everything revolves around him. The fact that he believes that money is happiness and how everything is about him makes a selfish and stubborn man.

All and all the waiters are very different. They have almost everything in their life different. Does this affect their relationship? How is their view of life different? Everything they look at is different and have a different felling about many things thus making them look downward upon each other not understanding each other. One lesson we can take from "A clean Well lighted Place" is that you are never the center of everything and you shouldn't judge people for anything.

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